Tag Archives: news

I Take Heart: The June 2024 issue

Happy June, friends! The June issue of my author newsletter, I Take Heart, is up and ready to read. I usually post on the first Friday of the month, but tomorrow my youngest child graduates from elementary school (sniff, sniff), … Continue reading

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“I Take Heart”: the October Edition

All hail Fall! The October Edition of my author newsletter, “I Take Heart,” is out now. It’s full of book recommendations (from both me and my kids), upcoming events and news, and Autumn activities I’m enjoying AND looking forward to–plus … Continue reading

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Writing update + new Facebook look

A happy Monday morning to all! Just a quick, writerly update from your neighborhood historical novelist. (Sorry … not enough coffee. What can I say? It’s Monday.) FIRST, The manuscript (first draft) of my new historical novel is currently with … Continue reading

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Channeling Alexander, My Time at a Military College & Other News

So. Today should be an edition of Show & Tell Friday. But. It was a helluva parenting week, let me tell you. My 4 year-old has decided to wake up at 4 a.m. each night and to defy our every … Continue reading

Posted in Bell Bridge Books, BelleBooks, College of Charleston, Creative Writing, creativity, first novel, graduate school, Katherine Scott Crawford, Keowee Valley, motherhood, professor, writer and mother | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments