Tag Archives: Kenneth Chamlee

Poetry recommendation: The Best Material for the Artist in the World

“Everything draws toward the white wick of dreams: a wagon train pushing into the flare of afternoon; the slow, salty river flanking redrock cliffs that step down and down into the distance; even a bit of path opened by a … Continue reading

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The Working Writers Reading – Thursday, April 9 at Brevard College

Hi, folks. Dropping in to let y’all know that I’ll be reading some of my published work and work-in-progress next week at Brevard College. Details: The Working Writers Reading With Ken Chamlee (poet), Jubal Tiner (short stories) and Katherine Crawford … Continue reading

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Reading Tonight at Brevard College

Happy Belated Thanksgiving, everyone! Hope you had a relaxing and delicious-food-filled few days with family and friends. Some news: Three other Brevard College professors and I will be reading from our recently published works (me from Keowee Valley, of course) … Continue reading

Posted in Asheville, Bell Bridge Books, BelleBooks, first novel, historical fiction, historical novel, Katherine Scott Crawford, Keowee Valley, NC, professor, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment