Tag Archives: Halloween

New column: “Sometimes we all need to act like kids again”

If there’s anything the holiday season teaches us, it’s that sometimes, we all should act like kids again. Here are some reasons why. To read my newspaper column, click here.

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New column: “Halloween is around the corner”

My column this week in The Greenville News is about Halloween prep at my house. Witches and goblins and Jack-o-Lanterns and ghosts and candy, oh my! To read, click here.

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New column: “Halloween is the perfect time for grown-ups to show their silly sides”

Kids love nothing more than when the grown-ups in their lives act like fools on purpose. And there’s no better time for this than at Halloween! So that’s my column today, at The Greenville News. To read, click here.

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New newspaper column: “In defense of homemade Halloween costumes”

Hi, all! Today’s newspaper column is up at The Greenville News, and it’s all about Halloween, childhood, parenthood, and homemade (or not) costumes. I do hope you enjoy, and if you do, I hope you’ll share! Read it here.

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Feile Samhna – Happy Hallowe’en!

In honor of that day of the year when the door between this world and the next creeeaaaks open, I’m sharing a post I wrote on this day way back in 2008. Forgive the references to snow. It used to … Continue reading

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