Tag Archives: Brevard

A Literary Tea

Recently my back-door neighbor in Brevard hosted a lovely tea with me as the honored guest. I got to meet members of her book club, talk about Keowee Valley, and have the most scrumptious treats. The English afternoon tea was … Continue reading

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Show & Tell Friday – the Forgive Me Edition

Hi, folks. I’m on a major deadline for Monday, and my 4 year-old’s preschool was let out early one day this week and cancelled for three days due to snow and ice. Less than two inches of it (it’s the … Continue reading

Posted in Asheville, Bell Bridge Books, BelleBooks, bloggers, Katherine Scott Crawford, writer and mother, writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Magical Omens & Great Snowy Owls

Sometimes, magic happens when you least expect it. It’s easy to miss, in our every day lives, our eyes so used to unnatural light, trained to the tiny things, to the rectangles of our iPhones and our computer screens. I … Continue reading

Posted in article, Asheville, Bell Bridge Books, BelleBooks, Christmas, Christmas spirit, creativity, inspiration, Katherine Scott Crawford, mountains, muse, mystery, NC | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Show & Tell Friday: Fall Festivities & Quotes to Ponder On

I still look like I did last week. But I’m powering through. Some good stuff to share on this cold October weekend: 1.) Halloweenfest & Osktoberfest in Transylvania County I live in Transylvania County, North Carolina, and if you haven’t … Continue reading

Posted in Autumn, Bell Bridge Books, BelleBooks, creativity, Fall, family, inspiration, Katherine Scott Crawford, life, motherhood, mountains, NC, writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Show & Tell Friday: Monster Turtles, Mountains & More

Happy August, everyone! What a July it was–hot, muggy, rainy, busy and fun. My baby girl is officially 3 months old, and I can hardly believe it. When you were a kid, didn’t it annoy you how grown-ups used to always … Continue reading

Posted in Asheville, Bell Bridge Books, BelleBooks, fellowships, first novel, historical fiction, historical novel, inspiration, Katherine Scott Crawford, Keowee Valley, motherhood, mountains, NC, retreats, time passing, Uncategorized, writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Show & Tell Friday: Summer Solstice Edition (& a little early)

Hey, all! Today is the Summer Solstice: the longest day of the year, the official first day of summer, and, as it so happens, my husband’s birthday! Oh, how I love the summer. Sunday was the first night I’d noticed … Continue reading

Posted in Bell Bridge Books, BelleBooks, historical fiction, historical novel, Katherine Scott Crawford, Keowee Valley, motherhood, NC, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Show & Tell Friday: the Ides of March Edition

Ah, the infamous ides of March: the first month of the year in the original Roman calendar (the Romans celebrated the New Year from March 1st until today), the day in 44 B.C. when Julius Caesar was assassinated by members … Continue reading

Posted in Bell Bridge Books, BelleBooks, historical fiction, historical novel, Katherine Scott Crawford, Keowee Valley, mountains, NC, neighbors, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Amazon’s The Big Deal (and other news)

Hi, all! Happy December! This weekend my family went to the woods (literally) to cut down our Christmas tree. Then we took part in The Twilight Festival, my favorite of Brevard, North Carolina’s many celebrations. There was an ice luge, … Continue reading

Posted in Asheville, Bell Bridge Books, BelleBooks, Christmas, Christmas spirit, family, first novel, historical fiction, historical novel, Katherine Scott Crawford, Keowee Valley, mountains, NC, novel, Publicity | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Reading Tonight at Brevard College

Happy Belated Thanksgiving, everyone! Hope you had a relaxing and delicious-food-filled few days with family and friends. Some news: Three other Brevard College professors and I will be reading from our recently published works (me from Keowee Valley, of course) … Continue reading

Posted in Asheville, Bell Bridge Books, BelleBooks, first novel, historical fiction, historical novel, Katherine Scott Crawford, Keowee Valley, NC, professor, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Recap of My Latest Presentation, and Off to the Parkway

On Tuesday I gave a presentation at the Transylvania County Library in my little town of Brevard, North Carolina. Called “The Slanted Truth: When Fiction Meets History,” I talked about the ins and outs of writing historical fiction, Keowee Valley, … Continue reading

Posted in Bell Bridge Books, BelleBooks, Fall, first novel, historical fiction, historical novel, Katherine Scott Crawford, Keowee Valley, mountains, NC, reviewers | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment