Tag Archives: author

Historical Fiction Book Club – June pick

One of the best parts of this year for me has been leading the Historical Fiction Book Club at Highland Books in Brevard, North Carolina. We meet at the bookstore the second Wednesday of each month. In June, we’ll discuss … Continue reading

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Happy New Year!

Hey, all, It’s 2024! Yes, I’m about to say something so passé as, “Can y’all believe it’s 2024?!” Okay, all done. I sure hope your holidays were exactly what you needed them to be. And if they were not, I … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday, Keowee Valley!

Eleven years ago today, my first historical novel, Keowee Valley, was published. It’s been a wild ride since, to say the least, and I want to celebrate the book which made me an author. Looking back over long ago posts, … Continue reading

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Book News: A new historical novel from Katherine Scott Crawford

I’m thrilled to announce that my new novel, THE MINIATURIST’S ASSISTANT, will be published by Regal House Publishing in May 2025! So very grateful to my amazing literary agent, Joelle Delbourgo, for loving this book and working for its place … Continue reading

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I Take Heart – September 2022

Hi, all! To read about what’s been going on in my world–books, home renovation, podcasts, ponderings, and more-click the “Newsletter” tab above or here. Sure hope y’all are well and enjoying the end of summer!

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I Take Heart – July 2022 Edition

Hi, all! Happy July! I’ve launched the newest edition of my newsletter, and I sure hope you enjoy it. If you don’t subscribe and would like to, click here or at the Newsletter tab above. (Yep, there’s a misspelling in … Continue reading

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I Take Heart: May Newsletter

Hi, all. My May 2022 newsletter has launched, just a wee bit late (because: life). This one’s about the books and podcasts keeping me sane during an inordinately tough spring. I may refer to Hamlet. It’s also about the zombie-walk … Continue reading

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On Retreat: Why making time for ourselves as artists looks different for each of us

Over the course of my 20 years as a working writer, the idea of being “on retreat” has morphed into many different iterations. I’ve attended writers’ retreats chock full of activities like workshops, craft talks, writing prompts, and more–most wherein … Continue reading

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What a long, strange trip it’s been

Hi, friends. It’s been a while. First, there was summer. It was, by far, the fastest summer of my life. As usual, my children (ages 12 and 8) were home, so there was no writing to be done. But we … Continue reading

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