2024 Spring Writing Retreat at Earthshine Lodge

I’m thrilled to announce I’ll be hosting the 2024 Spring Writing Retreat at gorgeous Earthshine Lodge in Lake Toxaway, North Carolina!

3 Days/ 2 Nights ~ March 15 – 17, 2024

For more details, and to register, click here.

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Happy New Year!

Hey, all,

It’s 2024! Yes, I’m about to say something so passé as, “Can y’all believe it’s 2024?!”

Okay, all done. I sure hope your holidays were exactly what you needed them to be. And if they were not, I hope you’re going gentle into January, especially with yourself. I truly believe it’s the best, the only, way forward.

Quick update:

The newest issue of my author newsletter, I Take Heart, is out. Several readers have emailed to tell me it’s their favorite yet. No promises. It’s full of the usual stuff: ponderings on life, books, the arts, the new year, and more. If you’ve not subscribed, you can go here. Or, you can message me directly with your email address, and I’ll add you. (Some folks have found that method to be easiest.) I post once per month.

I’m excited to report that I’ll be leading an in-person, Historical Fiction book club at Highland Books in Brevard, North Carolina. Beginning on February 14, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., we’ll meet the second Wednesday of each month. Same time, same place. Register and buy your books at a 20% discount from Highland Books: our first pick is Mitch Albom’s The Little Liar. For more info about upcoming books, click here.

Don’t forget to follow Highland Books (and me!) on Instagram, so you can stay up to date with news, details, and more.

I’m also excited to report two writing residencies I’ll be attending in 2024: South Porch Arts in Summerville, South Carolina, and the Weymouth Center for the Arts & Humanities in Southern Pines, North Carolina. ANY writer will tell you that a residency–the space, time, and quiet in which to devote to your craft–is invaluable. (Especially writers who are also parents.) Full stop.

Here’s to a winter 2024 full of bracing winter walks, lots of good books, and hopefully some snow!

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I Take Heart – November Edition

Happy Friday, all!

The November edition of my author newsletter, I Take Heart, is here — and full of my book, TV, and podcast recommendations, plus some ponderings on November.

To sign up, click the Newsletter tab above, or respond via PM or email at thewritingscott at gmail dot com, and I’ll add you manually. Easy peasy.

The newsletter will pop up in your email Inbox only once per month, and you’ll be the first to hear about new book news, events, and more.

I sure appreciate you all!

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“I Take Heart”: the October Edition

All hail Fall!

The October Edition of my author newsletter, “I Take Heart,” is out now. It’s full of book recommendations (from both me and my kids), upcoming events and news, and Autumn activities I’m enjoying AND looking forward to–plus some pondering on book banning, this special and all-too-brief season, and more.

I sure hope y’all enjoy it. You can subscribe here, or by clicking on the Newsletter tab above.

I only publish once per month, and I’ll never sell your email address to anyone.

Happy Fall, y’all!

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Happy Birthday, Keowee Valley!

Eleven years ago today, my first historical novel, Keowee Valley, was published. It’s been a wild ride since, to say the least, and I want to celebrate the book which made me an author.

Looking back over long ago posts, along with the photos from my book launch, and even going over all the dates on my extremely packed (and years’ long!) book tour, one feeling rises to top all else:

I am grateful.

Grateful to the family and friends who supported me the years I was writing, who threw parties for me and asked me questions, who introduced my book to others, who watched my (at that time, one) child so I could visit book stores for signings, attend events and deliver lectures and programs all over the Carolinas and Georgia. Grateful to the many, many readers who came to love Quincy, Jack, Ridge Runner, Fire Eater, and all the rest–who took my story, characters, and the wild Carolina backcountry into their imaginations and into their hearts.

Grateful to Bell Bridge Books, who published me first; to my late agent, Henry Morrison, and to so many more folks behind the scenes who helped Keowee Valley land on book shelves and in e-readers everywhere. Grateful beyond words to the librarians and booksellers who read the novel, put it on their shelves, and shared it with their customers.

Grateful to the generous authors, who did not have to take the time to read and endorse the first novel of a nobody, but who did: Pat Conroy, Adriana Trigiani, Tommy Hays, Ron Rash, Darci Hannah, Philip Lee Williams, Beverly Swerling, Kathryn Stripling Byer, Elise Blackwell, and more. And to the reviewers, interviewers, and book bloggers who took the time, effort, and talents to write about my book and about me.

Keowee Valley was a novel I’d been dreaming about since I was a young girl running more than a bit wild in the woods of the South Carolina Upcountry. I finished the novel practically as a newlywed, before I was a mother. When the book was published, I had a 3 year-old daughter, and was pregnant with another daughter. I was a college professor, and I was a graduate student earning my MFA in Writing.

The novel was a Quarter-Finalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Contest; I earned a North Carolina Arts Council Arts Award with it, and several artist and writer’s fellowships and residencies. My life was absolutely changed by this book–some of the best parts of it being the writer friends I made along the way.

In the 11 years since the novel was published, the world, and my own life, has seen massive change. In fact, I couldn’t list all the changes if I wanted to. But one thing is clear: Stories are the way I walk through the world. Thank you all, so very much, for letting me tell them.

I can’t wait for y’all to read my new historical novel, THE MINIATURIST’S ASSISTANT, coming in May 2025 from Regal House Publishing. I know that’s a long time to wait, so in the meantime, please follow me on Instagram at @thewritingscott, where I hang out most online, subscribe to my author newsletter, and know this:

Keowee Valley is on sale (ebook version) until Sept. 30, 2023 for only $0.99 on Amazon and Apple Books. If you like it, I also wrote a Christmas-themed Keowee Valley short story called “Evergreen and Expectations” (only $0.99 on Amazon; free on Amazon Kindle).

P.S. Here are some photos from my 2012 book launch and subsequent tour. I was very pregnant, and my now teenager was only 3 years old.

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Poetry recommendation: The Best Material for the Artist in the World

“Everything draws toward the white wick of dreams:

a wagon train pushing into the flare

of afternoon; the slow, salty river flanking

redrock cliffs that step down

and down into the distance; even a bit of path

opened by a fallen tree arrows into the light”

~ from the poem “Emmigrants Crossing the Plains,” from The Best Material for the Artist in the World by Kenneth Chamlee

Last night I had the joy of meeting up with several friends and former Brevard College colleagues (where I taught for 13 years) to hear Ken Chamlee discuss his new book, a biography in poems of the landscape painter Albert Bierstadt.

I’ve loved Ken’s poetry for years, but have a special awe of and affection for his Bierstadt poems. They tell, in part, the story of the painter’s experience in an American West now lost to us, during a gorgeous and complicated time of expansion and upheaval. Listening to Ken last night just made me want to view Bierstadt’s astonishing work in person, with this book in hand.

It’s available from Stephen J. Austin State University Press, and anywhere books are sold.

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Keowee Valley ebook only $0.99 now through September 30th

Hi, all! Looking for something to read this Fall … or, perhaps, while you wait for my new historical novel, THE MINIATURIST’S ASSISTANT, to be released? My first historical novel, Keowee Valley, is on sale now through Sept. 30th for only $0.99.

Available via ebook at Amazon, Apple Books, and more!

Sure hope y’all enjoy it. Happy Fall reading!

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I Take Heart – September Issue, 2023

Hi, all! The September issue of my newsletter, I Take Heart, is available now. It’s full of the books, movies, TV shows, podcasts, and music I’ve enjoyed over the past two months.

To subscribe and read, click here (or at the Newsletter tab, above). By doing so you’ll be the first to learn about new books and writing, events, and more. I only post once per month.

And have a fantastic Labor Day weekend!

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I Take Heart: June 2023 newsletter

Hi, all!

My June newsletter is out now, and it’s full of the books/TV shows/podcasts I’ve been enjoying so far this summer, a little home DIY, news, thoughts on friendship, and more.

One of the nicest things anyone can do for an author is to subscribe to their newsletter. I try to keep mine short and sweet, I only publish once per month, and I’ll never share your email address with anyone.

To subscribe, click on the “Newsletter” tab above and fill out the form. You can choose how much or little you hear from me.

So many thanks, and the happiest of Junes to you and yours!

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Book News: A new historical novel from Katherine Scott Crawford

I’m thrilled to announce that my new novel, THE MINIATURIST’S ASSISTANT, will be published by Regal House Publishing in May 2025!

So very grateful to my amazing literary agent, Joelle Delbourgo, for loving this book and working for its place in the world. I cannot wait for y’all to read it!

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