
I am utterly lucky to have too many author, artist, and community activist friends to list here! Check out my posts for more about the folks I’m reading, watching, and admiring. Here are some organizations I love and support:

In addition to the organizations below, my Pinterest page “Books, Art, and Music by Friends” showcases work by friends of mine.

Full Spectrum Farms
Full Spectrum Farms is a nonprofit organization and working farm in Cullowhee, North Carolina, serving children, teens, and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and their families. At Full Spectrum Farms, farmers “live, work, and become a functioning part of the larger community.”

The Montana Artists Refuge
I was an October Writer-in-Residence at MAR back in 2007, and my time there changed the way I thought about myself as a writer. Sadly, MAR has closed its doors. Here, a fitting tribute in the October 2011 issue of The Billings Gazette.

The North Carolina Arts Council

The North Carolina Writers’ Network

The South Carolina Writers’ Workshop

Vermont College of Fine Arts
I completed my MFA in Writing (Fiction) from VCFA in Summer 2014. 

Vermont Studio Center
I spent February 2008 at VSC as the recipient of a full fellowship in fiction. There, in a private writing studio (the Jane Austen room) all my creative engines fired. I made incredible artist friends, was buoyed by their talents and generosity, ate mouth-watering local food (cheeses, breads, ciders, syrups, oh my) and cross country skiied alongside the frozen Gihon River. I’d return in a heartbeat. 

The superhero who designed my web site, and his firm:

Ben Muldrow
Ben is the talent behind the amazing design of He’s a partner at Arnett, Muldrow & Associates in Greenville, S.C., and he helps towns find their soul. We’ve been friends since the 8th grade.



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