A Literary Tea

teaRecently my back-door neighbor in Brevard hosted a lovely tea with me as the honored guest. I got to meet members of her book club, talk about Keowee Valley, and have the most scrumptious treats. The English afternoon tea was to-die-for delicious. And the story even made it to my adopted hometown’s newspaper, The Transylvania Times!

It was a divine afternoon, and a real pleasure for me to be among such warm, welcoming, and smart ladies.

To read the brief article (which includes more details about the amazing food served), go here.

* On a side note, I adore my neighbors! Not only are they sweet and friendly and put up with my dog barking and my children squealing, they came to my rescue the other day when I fell on our concrete patio with my baby in arms. (The baby wasn’t hurt, thankfully–though I got a little dinged up. It’s not fun to fall as an adult.) They basically jumped the fence between our houses and navigated the land mine area that is our dog’s poop spot in order to make sure I was okay. Now THAT is a good neighbor!

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