Oh, I had the loveliest time yesterday down in Greenville, S.C. (I say “down” because I drive down through the Blue Ridge Mountains of N.C. and S.C. to get there from my house) at the Aldersgate United Methodist Church’s Adult Group.
I got to share so many memories of growing up at Aldersgate UMC, and then talked about Keowee Valley and my research and writing process. There were lots of great questions at the end; and, after, a delicious lunch! I’m so thankful to Director of Children & Leisure Ministries, Ruth Hughes, for putting it all together and inviting me to come.
This was a particularly special book event because I grew up at Aldersgate: I was a member there from the time I was two years old until just last year, when we finally transferred our membership to the church we’d been attending in the mountains. I played on the basketball team, was involved in youth fellowships, went to vacation bible school, acted and sang in church plays–all the good stuff. So it was just like going home.
Last week, I was the guest author at a book club in the neighborhood where I grew up, which was another special treat. I got to sit at a gorgeously appointed table with a fabulous group of women readers, eat delicious dessert and talk all about Keowee Valley, Quinn, Jack, Ridge Runner, and the rest. Such fun!
Tomorrow, I’m headed to another book club–one of which my own mother and one our dearest family friends are members. I know it’ll be a blast.
After this, I’m slowing down quite a bit in my book travels. Being 31 weeks pregnant takes a toll on a girl. But I plan to pick back up in late summer, after my baby is born and my whole family is settled into life in a whole new world.