the april issue of i take heart is up!

Hey, y’all.

The April issue of my author newsletter, I Take Heart, is up and ready to read!

This one’s full of my family’s recent travel, vacation books I loved, several podcasts pinging at my current stage of life, new music from friends, and an update on THE MINIATURIST’S ASSISTANT, my new historical novel (coming May 13, 2025 from Regal House Publishing).

I know newsletters in your inbox can become overwhelming, so I’d be especially delighted if you subscribe to mine. They’re short, I only publish once per month, and I’ll never sell your email address to anyone.

To subscribe, click the Newsletter tab, above.

Or, reach out privately via Instagram or email (thewritingscott at gmail dot com) and I’ll add you myself.


two literary events in brevard, NC


the fabled earth — a new historical novel by kimberly brock